In fact, if you Google "Bakugan au combat," this blog is still in the top three. Do a Google image search, and my masthead is on the main page. According to Google Analytics, my Bakugan post receives 63.35% of the visits to this site - almost 2,000 visitors in three months.
So as an experiment, I purchased via Go Daddy, which routes viewers to my new blog, "Bakugan au Combat!" Of course, loaded with Google Adwords in case the experiment pays off.
The Bakugan au Combat blog receives approximately zero visitors. And it doesn't come up on any Google searches.
This can't because the content is awful and written when I'm really bored. Because as bad as it is, it has more to do with Bakugan than my original post did. So I'm chalking $9.99 I paid to Go Daddy up as R&D.
Bakugan au combat!

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